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European Fly Fishing Association

Kees van Houwelingen

Today we introduce the EFFA-Basic-Instructor, Kees van Houwelingen

Kees van Houwelingen, was born in Moordrecht, Netherlands on 13th February 1953. He was the owner of a company were selling packaging machines in the food industry. Now he is retired. We asked Kees a few questions:

Since when do you fish with the fly and how did you come to fly fishing / what motivated you to fly?
Kees van Houwelingen: I startet Fly Fisching about 25 years ago, I found it a more pleasant way of fishing. I used to fish at Pike and Perch with spinning bait, but the combination of fly casting an fishing with a fly rod gives me more satisfaction. It is more technical but that’s is what I like.

Where do you prefer to fish, where are your favorite areas?
Kees van Houwelingen: In winter I fish in de Dutchs polders, those little canals, and try to catch some pike. During Summer you can often find me in the port of Rotterdam fishing for seabass and other saltwater species.
Once or twice a year I go abroad and fish for a week. I’ve been in New Zealand, Greenland, Norway, Iceland, the Carribean etc. Fly fishing is very versatile, you can catch fish all over the world.

What fascinates you most about fly fishing?
Kees van Houwelingen: Fishing is more than catching fish! For me the combination of fly casting and fishing is perfect. Every cast can be a challenge and when you finally get the reward of a nice fish, it makes your day perfect.

Why are you an EFFA member? What is the reason of membership?
Kees van Houwelingen: In 2008 I did start with some serious casting in order to improve my casting skills. I joined  several casting courses and in 2012 I passed the instructor test for the Dutch VNV. I decided  this was not enough, so I joined the EFFA class of Bas de Bruin and Sepp Fuchs. In June 2015 I passed the basic instructor test of the EFFA succesfull.

What potential does EFFA have (from your point of view)?
Kees van Houwelingen: In my opinion the key activity of the EFFA must be fly casting. These days fisherman can get a lot of information about all aspects of fly fishing from the internet, You Tube etc. But a good casting instructor is a must when they  want to learn good fly casting.

Where should EFFA be active? What else could be done?
Kees van Houwelingen: The EFFA is not so well known in most countries of Europe, maybe some extra publicity at exhibitions/fairs and magazines can change this.
It will cost some extra efforts of all members but we need to do this.

How do you see the current ecological situation of European waters and their fish stocks?
Kees van Houwelingen: Pollution in the sea, caused by plastics and the global warming will have it is effects at the sea life. Also the overfishing of both salt and freshwater have great effect. This can only be solved by politicians of all countries, but the question is if all countries are prepared to invest in the solutions.

Would you like to give your fly fishing colleague something to do? What is your biggest wish with regard to fly fishing?
Kees van Houwelingen: My advice to other fly fishers is; Enjoy the fishing but also the nature. If you face problems regarding fly fishing, don’t hesitate asking advice to a fellow fisherman. Two people know more as one! In particular beginning fly fishers are struggling with difficulties which can be easily solved.

If you are on the water, what would you never want to do without?
Kees van Houwelingen: I will never go fishing without a good fishmate. Together is much more fun!

Interview: Stefan Schramm

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