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European Fly Fishing Association

Wolfgang Fabisch

Wolfgang joined FFF-Europe many years ago and was the first Master Fly Casting Instructor who was certified. Soon later he joined the advisory board and then became an examiner. When FFF-Europe started to grow he was elected as their vice-president. He was in charge when the board closed down the club because of the blackmailing of the mother association in the US . He was among those who did not like to be thrown into the same pot as those masters certified in the States according to a lower level.

So it was no surprise that Wolfgang became a co-founder of EFFA in 2006. He kept his vice-president job and was supporting EFFAs interests even against his EFFA-Germany collegues. In 2014 he decided to step back. Nevertheless he is still a member of the FC Department in which he represents Germany. Because of this massive support for more than a decade Wolfgang was elected unanimously as a EFFA Honorary Life Member in September 2014.

Besides his love for steelhead fishing in BC and his home River Pegnitz where he runs his fly fishing school Wolfgang is meanwhile also quite experienced in gold washing and -also in this "sport"- quite successful.


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