If you are having problems with your water body and think EFFA could help to solve them, or if you have information about projects that may threaten the fishery on a water, please let us know.
The Departement
This important department takes care of water protection issues and the conservation of endangered fish species. If you would like to nominate someone for the EFFA-Conservation Award or would simply like to be involved in the department, please contact the Chairman E-Mail.
The responsible
Preserve landscapes
Help us
Our salmonid waters need protection, especially those which are unique in character and of great value for the preservation of genetically unaltered strains of wild fish. From time to time, you will find alerts on this page, asking you to help protect the waters mentioned therein from imminent interventions (construction of hydroelectric power plants, water withdrawals, mining projects).
Take your time and use our alert system. Help save these unique waters for future generations. Even if it's not waters in your immediate area or country, please remember, at some point you too may be glad for the support of others. You can protest in your own words or, if you wish, send letters of protest already prepared to the appropriate authorities. Please bookmark this page and look in from time to time. Let other fishermen know about it and encourage them to participate in the EFFA alert system to keep the lifelines of our landscapes alive.
Many thanks!
Become a member
You love fly fishing and want to spread the spirit of your passion among as many anglers as possible to make them part of our always growing family. We welcome you to become a member of the European Fly Fishing Association!