A warm welcome to you!
Fishing is currently experiencing a real boom. While it used to get little attention, and was even treated with some contempt by some groups, it is now considered hip and the ideal balance to everyday working life. Fly fishing is particularly popular, as it stimulates all the senses and also improves the body's fitness and sense of balance. In addition, one moves with open, even inquiring eyes in free nature and the observation of a drifting dry fly or an indicator is even compared with point meditation.
Our organization has set itself the goal of spreading this "royal way of fishing" with all its facets, to improve the contact and the exchange among like-minded people, as well as to increase the level of education in this field. We hope you enjoy surfing on our website!
Tight Lines!
Daniele Di Fronzo, President
Our organization
An international organization needs good structures. In order to work efficiently, the European Fly Fishing Association (EFFA) is divided into different departments.

The EFFA as a non-profit association, makes itself strong for the further development, promotion, training and support of fly fishing, nature and their members. For this purpose, annual events, trainings and meetings are organized.
You can support the EFFA in the form of sponsoring or donations. We would be happy to work out a tailor-made concept with you. With your commitment you not only support the EFFA, you are also an important part of a good idea.
Simply get in touch with us.